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    Bach Resistor Ceramics GmbH

    Buchenweg 2


    +49 33398 6965901

    Description Glow igniters made of silicon nitride are normally rectangular in shape. Within our mold diameter of up to 300mm various dimensions and batch sizes are possible. These igniters have a hot zone range of operation up to 1000 °C and a cold zone in the contact area. Our glow igniters have been mass produced for many years. They can be configured for different line voltages and can be operated without a controller. The special properties and low mass of the ceramic material allow fast heating rates, uniform temperature distribution and outstanding precision in control. As long as the operating instructions (Download) are followed, the glow igniters will work efficiently for years without wear. Customized design Our in-house designs make any modification in size, configuration, or performance simple and convenient. Holes for temperature sensors can be included. The glow igniters can be equipped with sockets or protective tubes (see accessories). The electrical output power can be adjusted according to the specifications of your furnace assembly (e.g. fan) and of the fuel used. Areas of application ignition of solid fuels (e.g. wood pellets) ignition of gas or oil heating of process gases generating of hot air incineration of exhaust fumes, reburning pyrotechnics brazing machines vacuum technology mechanical engineering R&D – laboratory equipment, measuring and testing equipment, reactors tool heating

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